Group Decision Support System untuk Menentukan Kelayakan Penerima Bantuan Sosial dengan Metode AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) dan Borda

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Hidra Amnur
Nuria Sisma Putri
Deni Satria


The Indonesian government wants to offer social assistance to lessen the burden  on  the  underprivileged.  The  DTKS  records  prospective  recipients  of assistance as being from low-income families (Social Welfare Integrated Data). The elimination of DTKS will take place in order to stop recipients from receiving social assistance as the recipients' standard of living rises. The standard of living of the recipients and potential beneficiaries will change at some point. Therefore, whether or not the recipients and potential beneficiaries of DTKS are eligible, it is necessary to update the DTKS. The  waterfall  model  SDLC  methodology  that  is  being  used  has  the requirement that each process be completed before moving on to the next one or be completed in order. In order to assess the viability of DTKS, the system can use the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and Borda methods based on the decision maker, criteria, and sub-criteria. Only RT users whose feasibility reference is above 0.29 are  considered  eligible  according  to  the  AHP  (Analytical  Hierarchy  Process) method's feasibility results. The results from the Borda method with the feasibility reference were given the highest priority and the lowest weight, respectively, for the final results on feasibility after going through the AHP process

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How to Cite
Amnur, H., Sisma Putri, N., & Satria, D. (2022). Group Decision Support System untuk Menentukan Kelayakan Penerima Bantuan Sosial dengan Metode AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) dan Borda. JITSI : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi, 3(3), 94 - 102. Retrieved from


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