Application of Design Thinking on UI/UX Web Spectrum Fitness Purwakarta
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Spectrum Fitness is a sports venue in Purwakarta that provides complete facilities such as
Fitness, Zumba, Yoga and others. In an effort to improve customer service, the process of
managing fitness services at Spectrum Fitness sometimes often results in errors in data
collection and several system deficiencies appear. To overcome this problem, one way is by
designing UI/UX based website Development of UI/UX from Website Spectrum Fitness
method Design Thinking. Design Thinking will be developed in stages starting from
Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test followed by the Usability using the Cognitive
Walkthrough and User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) methods. Based on the processing
results from the Usability Testing it obtained positive evaluation values in the aspects of
Attractiveness (mean 2.17), Clarity (mean 2.35), Efficiency (mean 2.13), Accuracy (mean
2.28), Stimulation (mean 2 .19), and Recency (mean 1.66). The appearance Spectrum Fitness
website which is operated in the form of a prototype, so that it can be further developed by
making the display responsive sizes device and system functions can run well.
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