Analysis and Design of Employee Management Information Systems Using the Web-Based Waterfall Method

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Anik Vega Vitianingsih
Abelardi Fardhan Maulana
Slamet Kacung
Anastasia Lidya Maukar
Seftin Fitri Ana Wati


In today's digital era, the need for an employee management information system is increasingly urgent. Organizations must be able to overcome the complex challenges of managing their human resources to remain competitive in the ever-changing market. With the right Personnel Information System, organizations can optimize the management of personal, performance, and administrative information of their employees efficiently. One important aspect of a Personnel Information System is the mapping of workforce needs, which enables organizations to plan appropriate employee recruitment and development strategies. In addition, efficient scheduling is also a key focus, as proper placement and wise resource allocation can improve overall productivity. However, manually managing employee data is no longer sufficient in this digital age. Errors, delays, and loss of information often occur in manual processes, causing losses in terms of both time and finances. Therefore, the implementation of a robust and efficient Personnel Information System is a must. The Waterfall method, with its structured step-by-step approach, was able to provide clear guidance in the development of this system. A comprehensive analysis stage ensures that the needs of the organization are well understood, while the design stage guarantees that the system design meets the right specifications. With the results of this study, it is expected that organizations will be able to develop a Personnel Information System that suits their needs, improve the efficiency of human resource management, and optimize overall performance. Thus, the Personnel Information System is not only an administrative tool, but also one of the key factors in organizational success in this digital era.

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How to Cite
Vitianingsih, A. V., Fardhan Maulana, A., Kacung, S., Lidya Maukar, A., & Wati, S. F. A. (2024). Analysis and Design of Employee Management Information Systems Using the Web-Based Waterfall Method. JITSI : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi, 5(2), 34 - 49.


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