Sistem Manajemen Kehadiran Menggunakan Metode Face Recognition Berbasis Web

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Nur Jaini
Ervan Asri
Fitri Nova


Attendance  system  with  the  use  of  face  recognition  is  a  system  that  utilizes biometrics in the form of facial patterns and compares detected faces with stored faces.To capture facial patterns from users who will be absent, use an esp32-cam camera module embedded in the face recognition library so that able to compare detected faces with stored ones. This system is integrated with a web server which is designed to manage and store student absences so that one face detection tool can be used by more than one class simultaneously. The web server is controlled by the admin to manage absent schedules starting from class schedules, class schedules as well as  entry and exit hours, so that the use of the web server does not allow duplicate data or attendance more than once

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How to Cite
Jaini, N., Asri, E., & Nova, F. (2021). Sistem Manajemen Kehadiran Menggunakan Metode Face Recognition Berbasis Web. JITSI : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi, 2(2), 48 - 55. Retrieved from


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